Autoparkit Load Bays

autoparkit-loading-bay, Automated Parking Systems
Autoparkit Load Bays

AUTOParkit Load Bays can provide an exciting and unique feature to any building or development. The Load Bay is the first place to make an impression on a visitor. Our design and architectural staff can create an environment that is as inviting and memorable as your building’s lobby.

Systems can have single or multiple Load Bays on the same or different levels as well as different touchless means of activation including fob, RFID, ticket or APP. AUTOParkit’s flexibility of design and access are among the many strong points of system.


With AUTOParkit’ users never drive around and around searching for an open stall. And unlike a conventional garage where the entire garage is essentially pedestrian space with AUTOParkit only Load Bays are occupied. Parkers never walk across a busy travel lane, enter a stairwell or search for the elevator. Parkers don’t waste gasoline, breathe exhaust fumes or dust of any kind – they simply pull into one of our automated Load Bays.

Upon return there is no need to remember where the vehicle is parked, spend time walking through the garage, taking an elevator or risk additional exposure as when activated the vehicle is automatically returned to the Load Bay.

autoparkit FOB

There are several important design considerations including the queuing of vehicles waiting to enter the system and the ease of entry and exit as well as access to the system itself. During design our team utilizes a traffic study of the site to understand peak demand and accessibility. The study provides information necessary to determine the number of Load Bays and their location to ensure the best possible traffic flow during use. ADA compliancy is always a consideration. Our systems initial design will accommodate ADA compliance requirements and additional considerations can be made for ADA Van access.

Helms Bakery Campus
Los Angeles, CA

AUTOParkit at the Helms Bakery Campus has 247 stalls with two load bays servicing office, restaurant, and retail employees. The Helms structure is evidence that a stressed steel structure can be as beautiful as it is efficient. It is wrapped in a Ferrari Fabric which appears solid during the day and is translucent at night. The Helms system uses our remote retrieval kiosks located along the walk-path to the garage. Tenants simply use their Key FOB to activate retrieval before arriving at the structure, which reduces their wait time.


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